My teachers say that it really doesn't matter, the whole rational aspect of design, if you want to compare the architecture thing to visual arts, the reasons don't matter, most people don't know why they did the shape they did, they can talk about it, but it would be a coincidence if it it matched what the STAR reasoned. As long as you can talk about it passionately it's legitimate, just a little chit chat, because that's the lingua franca when it comes to visual shit, not diagrams or mapping exercises or numbers, it's the chit chat thing where you can talk about it and say why it "moves" you, but this moving business,
move? I think maybe feelings, it's all about feelings maybe, good and bad feelings either way, but just feelings and being provoked. and you have to say why. because people cant have these things in front of them and not know why, there's a lot of money rolling around, people need some reason, galleries and shit, so much money here and there, so there has to be a reason for Mr.Mutt and all the fat cats need to know where there money is going. Jewish are fond of the arts. being cultured and tolerant, first you're cultured and then because you're cultured you are tolerant. so the chit need some excuse, even with the tolerant jewish, it's only fair to come up with a passionate excuse. The only reason to design anything, because you want to, and why this shape, because it feels good, not because of the numbers, my interpretation, a reaction only I can react. I have a very old dead poet in my family he was a big shot in his time century 19